I can not believe we will be traveling home tomorrow. Time flies when you don't get any time to yourself I guess. I am hoping the 19 hours of travel goes by quickly. Tomorrow we start the long trek home at 4:00 am. First we take a 3 hour van ride to Hong Kong and get a 15 plus hour flight to Newark.
We had a nice day yesterday with much less crying and Emily is letting her Baba do a little for her but no holding or carrying yet. Both girls love the pool! I can't get over how much at ease Emily is in the water. She will have to have swimming lessons asap as she has no fear. We have been going to the pool once a day and the minute Emily sees the bathing suits come out she goes around getting everyone's and tries to help us all get ready. I am still trying to learn to juggle caring for two girls who are both active and want my attention.
We ventured out for dinner without a guide and we are getting braver and better at getting around. I was admonished by a local women for allowing thumb sucking or at least that is what I think the women was saying but most of the people are friendly. We bought fresh lychee nuts from a women on the street and she gave the girls each a free one. They don't taste much like the canned ones you get in our Chinese restaurants and now I see why they are enjoyed. They are quite good fresh. Emily wouldn't even let me touch hers and proceeded to eat pit and all. Luckily it was a smaller one.
We found a little local dive to eat in and the food was delicious! The table clothes looked like they had been through 25 years of use and it was scary to eat there but the food was some of the best we have had. You do have to try to ignore the fact that the chicken (rooster, to be exact) is served head, beak, wattles, comb, eyes and all. Their corn pancakes, dumplings and fried lettuce was also very good. I guess we shouldn't have been surprised by all of the chicken body parts. We had a chicken foot in our lunch and some things we are not sure of but they tasted good.
For everyone on Facebook, I am unable to get on to answer any questions. We hope everyone is doing well and look forward to getting home. It looks like we will be coming home to the same weather we will be leaving behind. Hope you are all doing okay in the heat.
Safe travels Reid Family! <3